Monday, July 30, 2007

Learn to Play Chess (and Practice Basic Checkmates!) for Free on the Internet

Here is a great free service offered by Chess Magnet School in conjunction with the U.S. Chess Federation and sponsoring chess coaches. Using this website you can "learn to play chess according to the official rules, to play against the computer, and to practice your checkmates."

Here are the details courtesy of the United States Chess Federation (USCF) website:

Learn to Play Chess Interactively!

In conjunction with the USCF, Chess Magnet School is offering an interactive program to teach you chess. Practice until you're good enough to play a real game! Discounts for more advanced chessmagnetschool programs are also avaliable for USCF members. Learn the Rules of Chess on

Note: "Rules of Chess" requires Java 1.3 or above. Be patient- It may take a full minute to load. If you get a white screen, visit and upgrade your version of Java (which is free), and/or check your browser settings to make sure Java is enabled.

Also be sure to check out (pun intentional) the USCF's "New to Chess" section for more great information on learning about the "Game of Kings."

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