Monday, August 20, 2007

Chess Books That Should Be Reprinted

Speaking of The Fireside Book of Chess, here is a fantastic list of "Chess Books That Should Be Reprinted" compiled and commented on by by C. Dunn over at I have heard a lot about some of these titles - it is a shame that they are no longer being published. Are there other books we should add to this list?

  1. Winning Chess by Irving Chernev. "The best chess book ever! Teaches tactical combinations in the most effective way."

  2. My 60 Memorable Games by Bobby Fischer. "One of the best game collections ever. Fischer's annotations are instructive for all levels of players. There was controversy over the reprint, but both editions are hard to obtain cheaply."

  3. Essential Chess Endings: The Tournament Player's Guide by James Howell. "If not this book try Silman's Essential Chess Endings Explained Move by Move, or Griffiths' Endings in Modern Theory and Practice."

  4. Impact of Genius: Five Hundred Years of Grandmaster Chess by Richard E. Fauber. "Reprinted recently, but hard-to-find now. This has far more 19th century games than The Development of Chess Style by Euwe and Nunn, and even includes games of the early 19th century French master Labourdonais! Interesting perspective on players' styles."

  5. March of Chess Ideas: How the Century's, The: Greatest Players Have Waged the War Over Chess Strategy (Chess) by Anthony Saidy. "Wonderful book. A very fun read. Interesting. And in Algebraic Notation. A good companion to Fauber, as the overlap is minimal. Chapters on Bronstein and Tal, and emphasis on later players."

  6. Morphy Chess Masterpieces by Fred Reinfeld. "Alternatives include David Lawson's Morphy, The Pride and Sorrow of Chess or Shibut's Paul Morphy and the Evolution of Chess Theory. Sargeant's collection of Morphy games is not well-annotated."

  7. The Fireside Book of Chess by Irving Chernev. "Another gem by Chernev (with Reinfeld, who was a less consistent author). Fun stories to read at the fireside. Also, see Reinfeld's Human Side of Chess (aka Great Chess Masters and Their Best Games)."

  8. Mammoth Book of the World's Greatest Chess Games: Improve Your Chess by Studying the Greatest Games of All time, from Adolf Anderssen's 'Immortal' Game to Kramnik Versus Kasparov 2000 by Graham Burgess. "Great book. Intermediate to advanced annotations. Wonderful selection of games. Interesting commentary ahead of each one. Instructive game summaries. And cheap!"

  9. What's the Best Move?: The Classic Chess Quiz Book that Teaches You Openings with No Memorizing of Moves (Fireside Chess Library) by Larry Evans. "A useful way for intermediate players to learn openings. Instead of memorizing move sequences, use this book to train yourself to see (and avoid) subtle tactics,and to improve your position gradually."

  10. Winning Chess Traps (Chess) by Irving Chernev. "A top ten chess book, wonderful for improving players under 1500. Maybe it will be converted to algebraic notation? Hardly matters for such short games."

  11. Invitation to Chess by Irving Chernev. "A classic for novices, but I guess the birds-eye chessboard photos would have to be re-shot."

  12. Masters of the Chessboard by Richard Reti. "436 pages; a bargain when it was in print. There are other books like this (Euwe, Fine, Fauber...) but many players enjoy Reti's annotations."

  13. Russian Chess (Fireside Chess Library) by Bruce Pandolfini. "Pandolfini's 2nd best (after his best-selling endgame book), this is a perfect follow-up to Chernev's Logical Chess, being similar but slightly more advanced. Very entertaining!"

  14. Smyslov's 125 Selected Games by Vasily V. Smyslov. "Not only the best Smyslov collection, but a wonderfully well annotated one. Hopefully, Everyman will put out a new edition."

  15. The Test of Time (Russian Chess) by Garry Kasparov. "Great games. Great annotations. For very advanced players."

  16. Point Count Chess by I. A. Horowitz. "I'm told that this book has some great instruction on assessing the merits of a position. A great early-intermediate book."

  17. Larsen's Selected Games of Chess, 1948-69; by Bent Larsen. "An under-rated collection of Larsen, by Larsen."

  18. Grandmaster Meets Chess Amateur (Batsford Chess Library) by Steve Davis. "Short, but instructive and very amusing. Master vs. Amateur games are the best way to learn, and humor never hurts. The level of advice here is similar to Sadler's Tips for Young Players."

  19. Mastering the King's Indian Defense (A Batsford Chess Book) by Robert Bellin. "For club players, few books on openings are worth the paper they're printed on. This one is superlative, like the others (with Ponzetto) on the Spanish and the Benoni/Benko."

  20. Chess Openings: Theory And Practice by I. A. Horowitz. "Best openings manual for the intermediate player ever. Not just key variations, but also plans, traps, ideal set-ups, typical board positions, and sample games. Plenty of verbiage."

  21. The Middlegame in Chess by Reuben Fine. "This IS the reprint, but there are so many typos that it needs to be reprinted again."

  22. The Art of Positional Play (Chess) by Samuel Reshevsky. "Ditto. Fire Burt Hochberg and fix the damn typos!"

  23. The Genesis of Power Chess: Effective Winning Technique for Strategy and Tactics by Leslie Ault. "This would be the next level past Pandolfini. The right way to teach positional ideas to advanced beginners."

  24. Road to Chess Mastery by Max Euwe. "Excellent followup to Chess Master vs. Chess Amateur. This book has the master playing against Class B up to Expert, with every move explained in detail. Also, ideas in the openings."

  25. Chess Secrets I Have Learned from the Masters by Edward Lasker. "A delightful book, full of anecdotes, biography, autobiography, chess tips, and of course games. Ed Lasker had contact with dozens of masters through the decades of his career. And he loves chess."

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